We pray because we want to talk to God. During our childhood days, we often pray to ask God for something. For teens/youth, it's like talking to their best friend, telling God, everything they encountered and even praying for the so-called "the one" 😉.
We pray to thank God for all the blessings we are receiving. But often times we pray to ask. We pray for our needs. We pray to ask guidance for all the decisions we need to make. We pray for good health and His protection.
Many of us wonder why our longstanding prayers seem "unanswered" that makes us think God is not hearing us. Sometimes there will come a point that we tend to stop praying for it, either you accept that you get a "NO" from God or you gets tired of praying. Questions keep running our head, bothers us, faith is being shaken that we often jump into negative conclusions.
Due to this "unanswered prayers", we think of bad things. Worst, we stop praying, we cut our faith.
But God is the God of order, He is an omniscient God. He is all-knowing.
There can be some reasons for an "unanswered prayer", sometimes God is teaching you to wait. Or He wants you to learn something first before He answer. Or He is looking for something which is missing in your prayer.
Here are the three things that may be missing in our prayer.
Faith is the basic ingredient in prayer. No one can see God, but we believe in Him - and that is faith.
You will believe more if you pray more!
Bear in mind that God knows everything we need. He knows us one by one, even the count of our hair! He just wants us to confess our desires through prayer and see that we have faith in Him. In other words, prayer is the test of one's faith.
People who always pray in the Bible:
- David
- Daniel
- Solomon
- John the Baptist
These persons were close to God because they do pray. But they don’t just pray, they prayed believing that God would respond. They are also unassuming and humble. They poured out every feelings and thoughts to God through prayer.
Remember that without faith (believing & trusting God) our prayers are useless.
Do you know that God wants to talk to us?
God wants to hear our cry, our thoughts, our stories. In return, we must have the right desire and motive in prayer.
God loves to hear us when we talk to Him. Whatever the things we want to say to our God - He always listens. (Psalm 31:22)
There's a certain level of intensity one's prayer should have. It actually depends on the prayer item. The bigger thing you are asking God, the higher intensity you should be in prayer.
As what I'm always saying, He knows us, He sees our hearts. Get down on your knees and never cease praying.
Always remember that God answer prayers. It can be a "Yes", a "No" or "Wait".
Lovely :)